You know that moment when you finally realize that you're wrong?
If it's a small goof, there's embarrassment.
If it's a big mistake, there's a bruised ego.
But if it's HUGE, the kind of wrong that you've been arguing your stance on for months (or even years). The kind that made you cast logic and truth and history aside. The kind you were willing to start WWIII over because you were SO SURE you were right.
Well with that kind of MASSIVE MISCALCULATION, there's laughter.
Because there's that one second of clarity where you're like, F*CK. And then you laugh. And laugh. And laugh some more. Because laughing at how wrong you were is all you can do.
I bet there are a lot of conspiracy theorists who laugh on their death beds. And republicans. And I'm pretty sure that everyone who argued the world was flat would be busting a gut today. Along with anyone who freaked out about Y2K.
Actually, I'm surprised there isn't more laughter in the world. We've all made those kinds of mistakes. We've all been colossally wrong at least once in our lives. So we should all be laughing at ourselves. I know I am.
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