Whether you're rebranding yourself, your company or your product I have one simple piece of advice:
Quit talking about what you what to accomplish and GO DO IT.
Seriously, if you're rebranding yourself just do it. Who do you want to be? Successful? Enroll in classes. Healthy? Hit the gym. Happy? Do the things that make you happy.
Same goes for a company. If you want to be an interactive agency you have to learn, and more importantly embrace interactive. You can't just say it's who you are – you actually have to do it. You want to be a creative shop? Awesome. Quit talking about it and start fighting for it. Fight to come up with the best ideas, fight to produce innovative work and fight to sell fresh thinking. Talking about being a creative agency and actually being a creative agency are two completely different things. No, you can't rebrand the company over night. No, it won't be an easy thing to do. It'll take restructuring. It'll take commitment. It'll take a new perspective on things. But if it's what you really want to be as a company then do it.
Talking is the easy part. Actually doing it is where you'll find your results. Simple as that.
You have amazing insight. Truth.