You might be staying in a horror movie motel when...
- You drive by the motel and make a joke about how you're glad you're not staying there, before you realize you're staying there.
- There's a creepy old Indian man at the front desk who directs you to a motel room two parking lots away (after telling you there's no rooms available).
- The light switch by the door doesn't turn on any lights.
- The toilet randomly flushed every 60 seconds.
- You feel dirtier AFTER you shower.
- You sleep ON TOP of all the bedding.
- The bed shakes. On it's own.
- The thought of bed bugs make you sleep fully clothed with pants tucked into your socks and your hoodie pulled over your head.
- The bathroom fixtures are either broken or missing completely.
- You choose to sleep with one of the two working lights turned on.
- You strategically place a chair in front of the door, even though you know it won't stop anyone from coming in.
- You check the windows to make sure they're locked.
- You consider NOT brushing your teeth because you're scared of the water quality.
- You make sure your bare feet and pant legs never touch the floor.
- You set your alarm for four hours of sleep. More sleep than that isn't worth your life.
- You randomly get up and make sure your car is still parked outside.
- You'd rather dry your face with kleenex than the towel provided.
- Randomly throughout your stay, you hear what sounds like someone trying to open the door.
- The bathroom towels were more grey than white.
- As you lay down you comment that you're calling the Better Business Bureau first thing in the morning.
- You are crying real tears from laughing so hard. But you're laughing only to keep from crying.
Thankfully, we made it out alive.
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