Monday, October 4, 2010

On Facebook

I'm not ashamed to admit that I have a Facebook addiction. It's how I keep tabs on people. It's how I stay in touch with people. It's also how I keep people in the know of my all-important life happenings (HA). But some things about Facebook annoy the crap out of me. So I'm making some rules. And I might start blocking the people who don't follow them. Because seriously, enough is enough. 

1. I do not care how you do on random quizzes. I don't care about your virtual farm. I don't care about any of the games you play. I'm friends with you on Facebook because (for the most part) I care about how you're doing and I want to know what you're up to. So go into application preferences and shut off all those ridiculous notifications. 

2. Don't "like" every status update. Don't comment on every post. It makes you look needy. And after so many "likes" it stops feeling genuine. Don't be a Facebook vulture. 

3. Don't synch Facebook and Twitter. There's a pretty good chance I already follow you on Twitter. And if I don't, there's probably a reason.

4. Friend counts are dumb. You don't get a prize for having the most friends. I actually think it makes you look a little pathetic. I know you aren't really friends with all those people. So stop friending people just to friend them. 

5. If we don't live in the same state, then please stop inviting me to your events. I would love to come (maybe), but I'm not jumping on a plane for your birthday party/concert/benefit dinner. Besides, knowing I can't come to the awesomeness makes me miss you. I'd rather just assume no awesomeness happens unless I'm there. 

I'm sure I'm missing some very important rules, so look for addendum later. But this seems like a good starting point. 

1 comment:

  1. One might add to your list:
    Don't do a cut and paste post. ie Cut this and post it if you are concerned for dead snakes.
    Don't post a Click like if you love Elvis.
