Monday, September 20, 2010

On Learning from Friends

I believe that everything happens for a reason and that everyone has something to teach. Some lessons are good. Some are bad. But everyone you meet has some role in your life, no matter how big or small.

I have my top seven teachers. They're also my closest friends. They're the ones who inspire me. They're the seven who know me best. They're the people who have made me, well, me. So love them. And thank them. I'm pretty awesome because of them.

Jennifer the Artist
Brilliant and creative, my sister lives life in her own unique way. She creates. She inspires. And no one can make me laugh quite like she does. Whether it's through her art, music, friendship or laughter, she uses her talents to help others. And she makes me want to do the same. 

Sarah the Helper
There isn't anything my little sister wouldn't do to make the people she loves happy. Nothing. And lucky for the world, she has a lot of love for a lot of people. She wants to save the world with her love. And if anyone can do it, she can. She's a constant reminder of the power of loving others. 

Diana the Thinker
For over fifteen years, she's been pushing me to think about the world around me. About religion. About politics. About relationships. About life. She doesn't accept things as true without an internal debate of logic and reason. And whether she realizes it or not, she has always guided me to do the same. 

Marcus the Musician
He's more heart than talent. And this guy oozes talent. But it's his heart that drives his music. It's his heart that fuels his dreams. It's his heart that inspires hope. And it's his heart that is slowly teaching me to listen to mine. 

Perry the Wavelength
My wavelength. My soulmate. The person who, even a thousand miles away, reminds me that I'm never alone. He's the one who always knows what I'm thinking. He's the one who always gets what I'm feeling. He's the one who always understands. He's my other half. 

Jordan the Enthusiast
He loves people. And animals. And nature. He lives life knowing that everything has its place. That the world is bigger than his immediate surroundings. He knows that we're all in this together and that the choices we make effect more than just ourselves. He sees the big picture and wants everyone else to see it as well. 

Dan the Ego
It's not cockiness, but confidence. He's one of those people who says what he wants, does what he desires and doesn't really give a damn what others may think. He knows his strengths and isn't afraid to play them up. And that confidence is contagious. It's contagious because he'll play up your strengths until you see them too. 

There are a lot of other people who have taught me along the way. But these seven, well their lessons live with me each and every day. And I love them for it. 


  1. I'm famous! Thanks Jess, right back at ya. Glad to know my enthusiasm is seen as a postitive rather than annoying, haha. It can go either way :) Adore ya

  2. You're famous to my 25 readers. Ha. Love ya!

  3. And then I realized I don't have a heart. Just soul. I am an off balance jazz tune.
