Saturday, September 18, 2010

On My Least Favorite Word


No, that's not my least favorite word. But it is the response my least favorite word evokes in me. Because there's a word out there that no matter what, says something bad is coming. What's worse, it says that what was previously said was a lie. A lie to lighten the blow. A lie to make everyone feel good before they feel bad. It's a painful word to hear, and lucky for us, we get the hear it all the time.

"I love this concept BUT can you please make all these changes?"
"Awesome BUT let's see what you can do with a little more time."
"I agree BUT I still think we have to do it this way."
And my personal hell these days, "Yes BUT not right now."

That one word negates the sentiment that came before it. It's the cowardly way of being honest. Because you're hiding your honesty behind a compliment. Behind hope.

Next time, just say what needs to be said. Be honest. Don't complicate things.

Make these changes. 
Let's see what you can do with more time. 
I think we have to do it this way.

We all want to believe the good. We want to focus on the compliment. We want to embrace the hope. Because it's easier to accept that then the truth that follows. And that's where things get complicated. And that's why I hate the word.

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